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May 15 2015
Far from home, four U.S. milk producers made a strong connection with dairy marketers
May 6 2015
Sandwich artists get creative with dairy products
May 1 2015
USDA will hold three Federal Milk Market Order proposal outreach meetings in the state next week
April 30 2015
This year, the fifth annual UW-Madison Ag Day on Campus, hosted by Collegiate Farm Bureau, coincided with National Earth Day. This was the first time the event had landed on the same day that celebrates...
April 28 2015
The rising cost of food topped the list of consumer fears in 2014, and the internet remains their go-to source of food information
April 27 2015
My undergraduate research project offered me a glance into my peers' purchasing preferences at the dairy case
April 23 2015
Nearly 90 percent of employees will make their stay or go decision within the first six months on the job
April 21 2015
Cheese and other fermented dairy products may play an active role in a heart-healthy diet
April 15 2015
Little things add up to quality feed and increased production
April 14 2015
One California dairy had the opportunity of a lifetime to connect with customers through the television show, "Undercover Boss."
April 1 2015
Genomics is taking away some of the guesswork
March 25 2015
What accounts for the size differences between calves in the showring?
March 17 2015
New school lunch policies improved food consumption and minimized waste in one school district; can we do even better? By Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor When the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids...
March 13 2015
Turnout at last week's 12th Western Dairy Management Conference almost set a record. There are three U.S. dairy industry events that are so well known around the world that milk producers often refer to...
March 11 2015
Additional milk per day is just the start. The signs of heat stress in dry cows are less obvious when there is no production to monitor. In the March Hoard's Dairyman webinar, Geoff Dahl, University of...
March 5 2015
Students holding degrees in agricultural and natural resources are anticipated to earn a starting salary of $51,220, on average. The ultimate goal for most students is to graduate from college employed....
March 4 2015
"Fuel Greatness" campaign stresses breakfast for children. Breakfast sets the table for the day's activities. Starting the day with a meal is the fuel that helps us stay active. Studies have shown that...
Feb. 27 2015
Only 1,631 farms left, but it was still the 22nd yearly decline in a row. "Get out while the getting is good" saw 1,631 U.S. dairies leave the industry in 2014. According to data released earlier this...
Feb. 19 2015
If you have good prep and good milkers, the use of an automatic teat scrubber or more conventional prep routine should have little impact on production. Forestripping serves two purposes in the parlor:...
Feb. 17 2015
Watch the cows to be sure your facility provides the resting space they need. Cows are busy creatures, and one of the most important activities they do is rest. "We want to see high-producing cows lying...